is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse. is a social media for mortals. We connect with the Fediverse, used by millions. This instance is backed by a Finnish company, digital web agency Digitoimisto Dude Oy.

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Server stats:

active users

Fediverse stats:


Roni Laukkarinen

Air-light WordPress starter theme v9.3.2 released! :neon_skull:

This release is brought to you by 4 contributors and financed by @dude. I'm so happy I can do this for a living. :bunhdheart:


* When page is loaded with "s" in url parameters try to set focus to search input field (kudos to EliasKau)
* Calculate mobile nav top and height in js when there are air notificans present (kudos to @Tumppex)
* Fix irregularities with keyboard navigation #175 (kudos to @michaelbourne!)
* Fix navigation focus trap #175 (kudos to @michaelbourne!)
* Stylelint: Add number-leading-zero from devpackages
* Fix navigation issues #177 (kudos to @michaelbourne!)

WordPress theme directory:

Source code:


WordPress.orgAir-lightHi. I'm a starter theme called Air-light, or air, if you like. I'm a theme based on Automattic's underscores and I'm meant for hacking so don't use me as a Parent Theme as-is. Instead try turning me into the next, most awesome, WordPress theme out there. That's what I'm here for.