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@aulia Why do you need to sign? The whole point of a secret ballot is that it is secret. ... Until you sign your name to it.

@Salty in some states when you vote by mail you have to sign a document to verify that it’s actually you who voted, because you have to request an absentee or a mail ballot, and they can’t have randos vote. They have to verify it’s not foreigners or people not eligible to vote.

When you vote in person they have a record that you were present to cast your vote.

@aulia I don't find it funny. Just another one of those ridiculous republican election-stealing schemes because they haven't been able to win fair and square for decades.

@aulia pw;dr. If it's true, it's not funny at all.

@aulia WTF why do you need cursive just to draw a signature? If your cursive is drastically more distinct than your printed letters then all that proves is that you have bad hand writing and your cursive teacher should be ashamed of themselves.

Literally just scribble some letters and do it in a vaguely repeatable way, that's what I've done my entire adult life.

Although mind you, in this digital age, most of the time I just type it out using a generic "handwriting" font and embed it in the PDF. Hell, last time I bought a car my bank insisted on doing it that way.

@uastronomer the point of the article is because these kids hardly ever had to write properly they don’t have the skills to keep a consistent signature. They’re not used to writing and the signature is necessary to verify your ballots.

However, as someone else said, this may have just been a dubious requirement designed to toss ballots out.

@aulia I'll admit, all I saw in that preview was another "Young people are ruining everything as usual" whinge from somebody in power. I should've paid more attention to the context.

@aulia I'm in thirties, stopped using cursive in highschool and still don't understand the point of hand written signatures in 21st centrury. Am I joke too?

@aulia as a gen Z: is the point of a signature not just a legal formality? ie the act of signing something is the legally meaningful/binding thing, not the... optical similarity to a reference signature? i just scribble whatever every time

also that one factoid about illiterate people in medieval times using an X to sign contracts

@bagel uhhh, for legal documents signatures have to be identical, you can’t just scribble any random shit that looks like it could be your name and not have them match when checked.

I’ve had applications for bank accounts rejected for not having exactly matching signatures between my ID and the applications. I ended up giving one bank two full pages of paper with dozens of signatures that only look similar. I signed them all in front of the customer service officer and the bank manager.