is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse. is a social media for mortals. We connect with the Fediverse, used by millions. This instance is backed by a Finnish company, digital web agency Digitoimisto Dude Oy.

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"I've used Linux's GNOME interface on a phone, and it's great ... I'm just waiting for a good phone to put it on" (#PinePhone)

@lupyuen I think a lot of people are waiting on a pine phone with better specs, myself included

Jago Nissi

@TheFarshief @lupyuen I have a good phone (Fairphone 4). Now I just need to put a good Linux on it...

@jago @lupyuen I like the idea of the #Fairphone quite a lot. I've got my eye on one of them for a potential next device when my current #OnePlus 9 eventually wears out.

My one gripe about them is last I heard the only model available in the US was the 4.