I like the "portfolio" feature of #Pixelfed , and I'm chucking all of my photos in there which have at least 10 shares or 20 likes.
That being said, I hope this gets a proper preview card for sharing at some point.
Looks like there are worse places to live.
@seindal Well, the majority of these are vacation pictures.
@juergen_hubert I am increasingly confused. All these features of pixelfed that I'm not seeing on pixelfed.social, the instance you'd think would be first to have them all!
@ZDL ...yeah, I have no idea what is going on, either.
@juergen_hubert I think it might help if programmers learned to FUCKING WRITE MANUALS FOR THEIR FUCKING SOFTWARE!
@juergen_hubert (Yes, I'm a wee tad peeved at the shit that passes for software these days. I'm old enough to remember when software came with instructions.)
@ZDL From what I hear about legacy software, things often weren't much better in the old days.
At least these days the code itself tends to be more legible.
@juergen_hubert Older software was buggy as Hell, but it had books you could read to get basic functionality. Or, later, hit F1 and get it.
The books/help were crappy, written by people with no writing talent whatsoever, and edited by monkeys, but at least the information was in there.
I have no idea where to even *look* for information on groups, portfolios, and on all these other features.
Or in the Pixelfed app how to read a comment and figure out which picture it's in response to.
What we, the users, ought to be doing, is forming a wiki of some sort. It won't be worth a damn for a while, but it will provide us with a framework upon which we can hang what will be useful.
Nobody can document their own code properly - any more than they can cut their own hair. Let's do the needful - if this process is handled correctly, we'll save future users endless confusion and suffering.
@tuban_muzuru @juergen_hubert We also need people making software to answer questions directed at them. I've directed questions at @dansup a thousand times by now and not once has he responded. So how would I fill in information on such a Wiki if I can't even get questions answered?
@tuban_muzuru @juergen_hubert @dansup Maybe he could concentrate a bit more on supporting users and a bit less on grandiose PR?
I dunno, he's just one guy. Have mercy, it's a useful project
@tuban_muzuru @juergen_hubert @dansup If he answered questions instead of doing massive PR stunts I'd cut him some slack, but I've got questions outstanding for THREE MONTHS that he hasn't in any way, shape, or form answered.
Maybe spend a little less time on that self-aggrandizing would help.
Are you on the Discord? Have you read the docs on github?
@tuban_muzuru @juergen_hubert @dansup I'm not on the Discord because I don't know how (and, protip here, chat apps aren't documentation!). I have no idea what a github is.
Maybe documenting this somewhere visible would have been a good idea? Like, say a big, clearly labelled link saying "DOCUMENTATION ON A GITHUB THIS WAY!"?
Protip here: documentation does exist - on github. There's a support channel on Discord. And if you want people to help you get anywhere, be nicer.
@tuban_muzuru @juergen_hubert @dansup I have been nice about my questions since NOVEMBER.
Now I'm just fed up. Being nice gets you ignored. Raising a ruckus gets eyes on you.
So that link? Those docs? WHY ARE THEY NOT ON PIXELFED.SOCIAL!? There's no link that goes there. At all. There's a "help" link that covers almost nothing.
This is just utter shit in information presentation, and the guy making it is unresponsive.
@tuban_muzuru @juergen_hubert @dansup Did you actually look at that link before you passed it off as docs?
Maybe I'm blind, but I'm not seeing anything there that is user-facing. Nothing about groups. Nothing about portfolios. Nothing about how to post a picture.
That looks like documentation for people running the server. Maybe I'm blind though.