The first exit polls for the German federal elections are in. They... suck, but they could have been even worse:
CDU - CSU - 29%
AFD - 19.5%
SPD - 16%
Greens - 13.5%
Die Linke - 8.5%
FDP - 4.9%
BSW - 4.7%
- As expected, the fascist #AfD has become the second biggest political party, but at least they haven't reached the 20% they had been polling in all the opinion polls so far.
- If the exist polls remain true, the #FDP has barely missed reaching the 5% threshold for re-entering parliament. Since their "accomplishments" in the last three years largely consisted in sabotaging the work of the coalition government they were a part of, and they have turned from being a party of personal liberty advocated to a party of crypto-fascists #ElonMusk fans, this is no great loss (sorry #Lindner , but Elon Musk will always love those more who are blatant about their fascism!)
- The #BSW will also fail to enter parliament. Since they are basically Putin's stooges intended to channel votes away from leftist democratic parties, this is no great loss.
- After having been predicted to drop out of parliament due to the rise of the BSW, the #Linke has managed to pull of a stunning reversal and gained 8.5% of the vote. I may not agree with all of their position, but German politics desperately needs a party that stands for clear leftist policies - something that both the #SPD and the #Grünen have failed at in recent years.
It looks the most viable option will be a coalition led by the #CDU with the #SPD as a junior partner. We've already had those under #Merkel , and they were long years of stagnation - but a chancellor #Merz will have fewer principles than Merkel had, and far more cruelty. He is a #Blackrock creature through and through. And while he has made some noises that indicate that he largely recognizes Trump for what he is, I suspect that in the end he will do what the oligarchy wants of him.
Hopefully the oligarchy doesn't want him to form a coalition with the AfD, but we shall see...
#Germany #GermanElections #GermanPolitics
Much, much worse!
I braced myself for 25+% for Höcke's fashs after I read that participation in the new Bundesländer was much higher than usual, hoping that I'm wrong and they came out to vote for the Linke.
@juergen_hubert You put my thoughts into words.
@juergen_hubert that's why any government with #NSAfD and/or #CDU / #CSU mit be prevented at all costs!
If putting #Freedom, #Peace, #HumanRights and #CivilRights before #Democracy makes me sound evil, then I want people to look at #Merz's role model, #Trump, and ask me that again!
Merz is an unrepentant asshole, to be sure. But he does not have the power to lead his party into a coalition with the AfD. Too many would revolt, including Söder. He would need to purge the party of moderates - and he can't afford to do that, since he needs every representative with his rather slim victory.
@juergen_hubert not really...
THIS is the literal definition of #TooCloseForComfort!
@kkarhan Oh, we definitely need to keep fighting the fascists with everything we have.
But as of yet, the CDU remains fairly committed to the democratic order of Germany, if only because the system has worked so well for them in the past and continues to do so.
Modern Germany doesn't yet have as many of the structural political problems that the USA have.
@juergen_hubert considering the #Abgoebbeling of #Merz, I'm not certain of that.
The last man of conciousness in #CDU / #CSU died with #Lübcke!
@kkarhan Oh, I have no doubt that #Merz _personally_ would ally with the #AfD if that's what it takes to gain power.
But he doesn't have the same hold over the #CDU which Trump has over the Republicans. He has no hordes of fanatical followers - he was a compromise candidate, and while his election results were better than Laschet's, they were still not great.
SF get more than that in Irish Elections and polls (Northern Ireland is different) and have zero chance of forming a government here.
AFD only got 1/5th is the optimistic view.
@juergen_hubert It also means that the CDU/CSU can't form a coalition with _just_ the AFD. While they've insisted the firewall will hold, needing another party to abandon it is still a good thing.
@ipsi While I have by reservations about Merz himself, too many party members (including representatives) of the CDU would balk at an outright coalition with the AfD.
Merz is no Trump, and does not have either the power or charisma to purge his party of moderates.
@juergen_hubert it's presumably too close to rule FDP and BSW out based on the exit poll alone. Also, are either party likely to win 3 constituencies, which I believe is the other way to get in?