Saw a dream last night where I woke up in a slight hangover and heard from my friends that I was partying with them and actually drinking the whole night. I had been having some special sparkling wine that a customer offered and found good strong imperial stouts in a local pub.
I was horrified. Why did I do that?
I woke up, this time really woke up, feeling groggy, grabbed my phone, checked my long forgotten Untappd account.
It still said: "The best 0,0% beer in the sauna. This might be my last check in, because I've decided to stop drinking poison (ethyl alcohol). I don't need to tell you why. Everyone should think why drink, NOT why not to to drink. Adiós!", dated 23. August, 2020.
Phew. Haven't had these in a while. #Sober #SoberLife #Alcohol #CraftBeer
On a side note, I haven't been drinking even 0,0 % beers. They taste horrible, just like the other beers. I don't see any point of drinking a drink resembling an alcoholic drink. I like ginger beers and lemonades. #Sober #SoberLife