My wife made me a double chocolate latte. Feeling instantly better.
Thanks my love @mustikkasoppa.
@rolle out of curiosity: what games do you play on that handheld retro device?
@perspiraattori There's like 8000 games over dozens of consoles Every time I open it I play something new.
#RETROGAMING #RetroGames #RetroStone #RetroStone2
But these are my favs:
@perspiraattori However I rarely play these nowadays, because I prefer my PC. But sometimes it's fun.
@rolle …over 8000… sheeeeeeesh!!
Looks like a system I might have to buy as well
@perspiraattori This is a bit old already. I recommend buying Retroid Pocket 3+.
@rolle @perspiraattori täh, oliko Diablokin tuolla?
@mikko Joo. Ja muita pleikka ykkösen pelejä. @perspiraattori
@rolle @perspiraattori kiesus. Mistä pelit?
@mikko Sellaisesta paikasta kuin Internet... hysh...
(Abandonware, web archive, torrut)
Iso työ oli kyllä kerätä läjään, meni kuukausia.
@rolle @perspiraattori Eli tuossa on joku Dosbox-tyylinen emulaattori (emulaattoreita) ja sitten sinne voipi ampaista kaikkia abandonware-spelejä. Kätevää jos osaa!
best profile on Mastodon, he's talking like my father sometimes
Ansaitset sen kahvin
@rolle @mustikkasoppa omg, that looks delicious