I'm enjoying Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, although I've had to settle for the fact that it'll probably be the only book I read this month. (I do not remember the last time that happened!) I have some 650 pages left and I started this exactly a month ago today. (So I've read about 370 pages. )
Anyway, the dynamic between Strange and Norrell is amusing and I quite relate to Norrell's obsession over his books.
I do wish there was a bit less atmosphere or whatever it is that makes this such a slow read for me. Maybe the man with thistledown hair will cause some mayhem soon.
@asta I loved that book, but I had the same feeling as you and I really had to persuade myself to not stress through it and just enjoy it!
@millamull That's honestly me right now! It's good for me to take my time for a change, but at the same time I wish it would move a bit quicker.
@asta Exactly! I thought it was well worth it in the end and I didn’t really want it to finish!
@millamull I'm on for a great time then
@asta I hope so! (I definitely did enjoy it!)