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One of us who works at the tech desk may have eaten five pieces of pizza last night — without any awareness of the total calories. It might have been a good opportunity to use Cal AI, an app where users can upload a photo of their meal and receive a calorie count that has a purported 90% accuracy. Cal AI isn’t the first digital calorie counter, but it has a 4.8-star rating on the Apple App Store and over 1 million downloads on Google Play. @Techcrunch has more on this app developed by a pair of teenagers.

TechCrunch · Photo calorie app Cal AI, downloaded over a million times, was built by two teenagers | TechCrunchCal AI has generated over 5 million downloads in 8 months, it says. Founders Zach Yadegari and Henry Langmack are just 18.

The human body requires chloride, chromium, fluoride, iodine, and molybdenum. Why, then, do virtually no food #NutritionLabels include chloride, chromium, fluoride, iodine, or molybdenum data? Breakdowns of soluble and insoluble fiber would seem very helpful too.

I can find no credible source providing an answer. Why did those omissions apparently become standard policy in the United States and elsewhere? Perhaps I'm overlooking some rudimentary fact(s) about such things—? I wonder if any expert on the subject might notice this post.

And I'll ask about particular essential fats and proteins another day, maybe.


Scientists led by a team from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark have found a "strong link" between Western-style diets and neurodevelopmental conditions, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The researchers' analysis also "identifies specific nutrients and foods that could serve as the foundation for improved dietary guidelines and preventative strategies," says food scientist David Horner. Read more at @ScienceAlert:

ScienceAlert · Maternal Diet in Pregnancy Linked to Child's Risk of Future DisordersScientists led by a team from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark have found a "strong link" between Western-style diets and neurodevelopmental conditions, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Pain sans gluten :

165g de farine de sarrasin
165g de farine de millet
165g de fécule de maïs
3 cuillères à soupe de gomme de guar,
2 cuillères à soupe de graines de lin moulues + 4 cuillères à soupe d’eau chaude,
8g de levure de boulanger + 100ml d’eau chaude,
1 cuillère à soupe de sucre complet
5g de sel
350 ml d’eau

Faire gonfler dans un bol les graines de lin moulues avec les 4 cuillères d’eau chaude.
Dissoudre la levure de boulanger avec les 100 ml d’eau chaude et la cuillère de sucre complet.
Dans un saladier mélanger les 3 farines, la gomme de guar et le sel.
Ajouter la levure, les graines de lin et 350 ml d’eau.
Pétrir à la main ou au robot.
Former une boule et laisser la pâte gonfler 20 minutes, puis la placer dans un moule, la scarifier sur le dessus et la laisser reposer encore 30 minutes.
Préchauffer le four, y mettre un petit bol d’eau et enfourner le pain à 220 degrés pendant 45 minutes.

Vous pouvez aussi rajouter dans graines de tournesol et/ou de courge dans la pâte et sur le dessus pour plus de croustillant, de gourmandise et de bons lipides!

#breadmaking #pain #bread #sansgluten #glutenfree #nutrition #healthyfood #food #dieteticienne #cooking #instafood #sunday
Les Oméga 3 sont indispensables au bon fonctionnement du corps, notamment du cerveau, du système nerveux et sont protecteurs pour le système cardiovasculaire.

Il est possible d’en ajouter simplement à son alimentation, par exemple avec les graines de lin qui en contiennent beaucoup!

Pour une assimilation optimale il est important de les mixer, puis conservez-les au frais dans un bocal et consommez-en une cuillère à soupe par jour, saupoudrées sur votre assiette ou mélangées dans un yaourt par exemple. 😋

#omega3 #nutrition #lin #graines #seeds #dieteticiennenutritionniste #dietetique #health #healthy #food #antiinflammatorydiet #antiinflammatoire

Eating walnuts for breakfast may enhance brain function throughout the day in young adults, according to a new study.

Researchers at the University of Reading found that consuming 50 grams (~1.8 ounces) of walnuts (about a handful) mixed into muesli and yogurt led to quicker reaction times and improved memory later in the day, compared to an equivalent calorie-matched breakfast without nuts.
